The contract period of the NICFI Satellite Data Program will end on January 23rd. NICFI is developing a new phase of the Satellite Data Program, to be launched later this year. Access for level 0 and 1 data will be temporarily extended by Planet and KSAT free of charge. To receive updates on the NICFI Satellite Data Program, please sign up for the NICFI newsletter.
What’s Next for NICFI Satellite Data Program?
NICFI is currently developing a new phase of the Satellite Data Program, set to launch later this year. While specific details are forthcoming, the next phase aims to build on the successes of the current program and further enhance its accessibility, functionality, and impact.
By continuing to innovate and collaborate, NICFI seeks to strengthen the role of satellite data in combating deforestation and forest degradation, addressing climate change, and protecting and restoring biodiversity.
Prolonged access
Planet and KSAT delivering the data under the current contract, together with Airbus, have decided to temporarily extend the free access for level 1 mosaics via the current program platform and access to level 0 via collaborative platforms, so users all over the world can continue their important work using this data. Level 2 access has not been extended.
Stay Informed
To stay updated on the next phase of the NICFI Satellite Data Program, including key announcements and launch details, sign up for the NICFI newsletter:
A Look Back: Transformative Impact of NICFI Satellite Data
Since its launch, the NICFI Satellite Data Program has provided free and open access to high-resolution satellite imagery of the world’s tropical forests areas as a part of its wider effort to protect tropical forests. The data makes it possible to better understand where, when and why forest loss is happening, prevent it from continuing and hold relevant actors accountable. The program has more than 37.000 registered users from 158 countries accessing data from 97 tropical countries covered by the program. Many more are accessing the data via collaborative platforms such as Google Earth Engine, FAO, and Global Forest Watch. The NICFI Satellite Data Program has empowered governments, researchers, Indigenous Peoples, NGOs, and the private sector to:
- Monitor Deforestation: Track changes in forest cover at scale with unprecedented accuracy and better understand drivers of deforestation.
- Strengthen Governance: Support law enforcement efforts against illegal deforestation and land use.
- Protect Ecosystems: Provide critical insights for conservation planning and biodiversity protection.
- Support sustainable supply chains and more sustainable land use in general
- Protect the rights of indigenous peoples e.g. by better monitoring of territories
- Powerful investigative journalism: several groundbreaking news pieces has been published in media using the data
- New knowledge: The data has been used in more than 180 scientific articles under peer review since 2021. This has also informed improvements in policy.