About the Tropical Forests
Tropical forests cover only 6% of the Earth’s surface, yet they are among the most biodiverse places on the planet. These forests are home to 80% of the world’s documented species, making them a crucial habitat for a vast array of flora and fauna. In addition to their ecological importance, tropical forests are vital for the Indigenous Peoples and local communities who depend on them for their livelihoods and cultural heritage.
Why are tropical forests being destroyed?
Every year, humans continue to expand into large areas of tropical forests. The IPBES report published in 2019 noted that tropical forest loss between 1980 and 2000 was equivalent to three times the size of Germany.
Photo: ElisabethWhy are tropical forests important?
Tropical forests are large sources of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, due to deforestation. They could instead be a big part of the climate solution. There is simply no way to reach the climate goals or the sustainable development goals without a change of direction.
Photo: Getty Images