Colombia får 300 millioner kroner for å trappe opp kampen mot avskoging
Norge, Tyskland og Storbritannia utbetaler 300 millioner kroner til Colombia for nye og forsterkede tiltak mot avskoging. Landet hedres for sin internasjonale lederrolle innen skogbevaring.
Colombia attracts over $ 30 million for stepping up fight against deforestation
Colombia has strengthened its position as a regional leader in forest conservation and sustainable development. To honour these achievements, Germany, Norway and the UK provide results-based-payments to be reinvested in innovative actions to catalyse further progress on Colombia´s forest targets.
LEAF Coalition strengthened ahead of Glasgow climate summit
Two new global organizations – Delta Air Lines and PwC – have joined the LEAF Coalition, a large-scale public-private climate change initiative to mobilize more than $1 billion in results-based payments for countries that protect their tropical forests.
Klima- og skogpartnerskapet mellom Indonesia og Norge
Regjeringen fikk i går, 10. september, et formelt varsel om at Indonesias regjering vil avslutte intensjonsavtalen fra 2010 om samarbeid om reduksjon av klimagassutslipp fra avskoging og skogforringelse.
Press statement: The Indonesia-Norway climate and forest partnership
Today, on September 10, 2021, the Government of Norway received a formal notification that the Government of Indonesia has decided to terminate our 2010 Letter of Intent on Cooperation on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.
Norway supports 39 new projects: Civil society plays a key role in the fight to save the rainforest
The role of civil society is crucial for the preservation of the world’s tropical forest. Norway is now announcing 39 new projects in cooperation with civil society organisations, amounting to a total of NOK 1.835 billion over the next five years, equallying an amount of 215 million US dollars with today’s exchange rate. The largest share of the allocations will be channelled to indigenous peoples. ‘Their fight should also be our fight,’ says Sveinung Rotevatn, Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment.
Milepæl for regnskog i Afrika
Som første land i Afrika har Gabon klart å redusere avskoginga så mykje at det utløyser ei resultatutbetaling på meir enn 140 millioner kroner frå Norge og fleirgivargruppa vi er ein del av (CAFI). – ¬Dette er ein viktig milepæl, seier klima- og miljøminister Sveinung Rotevatn.
Peru strengthens powerful partnership in its fight to preserve the Amazon rainforest
As part of a major international climate alliance, Peru, Germany, Norway, UK and the US are stepping up efforts to reduce deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon by 2025. Peru holds the fourth largest tropical forest in the world, an area almost twice the size of Germany.
Call for Proposals
NICFI invites interested parties to submit proposals for setting up and administering capacity building efforts of local, national, and regional civil society in forest countries in the use and engagement with high resolution satellite imagery
Call for proposals – NICFI Satellite Data Program Level 2 Access
NICFI is seeking any organization, company, consortium or individual who can leverage the power of satellite imagery to combat tropical deforestation and climate change. The following call for proposals is open until the 13th of June 2021. Winning proposals will be granted free access to PlanetScope, RapidEye and selected SPOT scenes ranging back to 2002, as well as access to daily viewing of PlanetScope imagery for the duration of the NICFI Satellite Data Program.