Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide is traveling to Colombia and Brazil to strengthen cooperation against deforestation
From March 19 to March 25, Norway’s Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide is in Colombia and Brazil. The purpose is to support the authorities’ efforts to reduce deforestation.
Ny støtte til urfolk gjennom Tenure Facility
Norad har på vegne av regjeringens klima- og skoginitiativ inngått en ny avtale med organisasjonen Tenure Facility om støtte til urfolks og lokalsamfunns landrettigheter.
How carbon markets done right help stop deforestation
To stay within our climate targets we must halt tropical forest loss within this decade. A well-functioning, high-quality forest carbon market that pays for reduced forest emissions at the national or state level – as agreed by all countries under the Paris Agreement – is essential to achieve this goal.
Momentum for Rainforests – Reflections by Director of NICFI, Andreas Dahl-Jørgensen
At the start of the new year, I am excited to see groundbreaking political momentum to protect rainforests. Combined with increased backing by global businesses – both in commodity markets and carbon markets – this gives great hope for rainforest protection in 2023.
Key milestones for The LEAF Coalition
The LEAF coalition is a private-public collaboration to mobilize large-scale funding for forest lands and jurisdictions capable of reducing and reversing tropical deforestation. In 2021, Norway joined the coalition as one of the founding members.
How the Global Biodiversity Framework helps our efforts to stop tropical deforestation
In December 2022, the world agreed to a new landmark global deal to protect nature. Its success depends on action to protect and restore the remaining rainforests.
The Amazon Fund is re-activated
At his first day in office, President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva reaffirmed the incoming government’s ambitions to halt deforestation, and he took the necessary steps to reopen the Amazon Fund.
Historic breakthrough for the forest carbon market
Norway congratulates Guyana as the first country to sell ART certified carbon credits for protecting its rainforest.
Peru launches new fund – receives USD 10 million for its efforts against deforestation
At COP27 the Peruvian Environmental Protection Minister Mr. Wilbert Gabriel Rozas Beltran and Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment Mr. Espen Barth Eide signed an agreement for a Norwegian contribution of USD 10 million for achieved policy milestones in Peru’s efforts to reduce deforestation.
World leaders meet at climate summit to address tropical deforestation
World Leaders from 26 countries and the EU came together at the UN Climate summit (COP27) to launch the Forests and Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP). The Partnership will help to deliver the commitment made at last year’s summit in Glasgow by over 140 world leaders to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by…