Category: News

Costa Rica receives first payment for reduced forest emissions from World Bank carbon fund

In August, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) announced its first payment of $16.4 million to Costa Rica for reducing 3.28 million tons of carbon emissions in 2018 and 2019. This is the first of three instalments of payments for verified emission reductions under Costa Rica’s Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA), which aims to reduce up to 12 million tons of CO2 emissions through 2024.

New Deputy Director of NICFI

On her first day as Deputy Director of NICFI, Dyveke Rogan boarded a plane to Bogotá to learn about deforestation issues from one of Norway’s key partners.

US and Norway strengthen collaboration on rainforests

Rainforests was one of the top agenda items when US Climate Envoy John Kerry visited Oslo on Friday, May 6 2022. In a new joint statement, Norway and the United States wow to strengthen climate efforts, and fighting deforestation is a key priority.

USA og Norge styrker regnskog-samarbeid

Regnskog står høyt på agendaen når USAs klimautsending, John Kerry, besøker Oslo fredag 6. mai. Med en ny felleserklæring vil Norge og USA trappe opp innsatsen på klimafeltet, og tiltak mot tropisk avskoging står sentralt.

Teaming up with Google

The NICFI Satellite Data Program and Google have joined forces to improve the monitoring of the world’s tropical forests.

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