US and Norway strengthen collaboration on rainforests
Rainforests was one of the top agenda items when US Climate Envoy John Kerry visited Oslo on Friday, May 6 2022. In a new joint statement, Norway and the United States wow to strengthen climate efforts, and fighting deforestation is a key priority.
USA og Norge styrker regnskog-samarbeid
Regnskog står høyt på agendaen når USAs klimautsending, John Kerry, besøker Oslo fredag 6. mai. Med en ny felleserklæring vil Norge og USA trappe opp innsatsen på klimafeltet, og tiltak mot tropisk avskoging står sentralt.
Noen lyspunkter, men fortsatt store tap av regnskog
Det var mindre tap av regnskog i 2021 enn i rekordåret 2020. Men tapene er stabilt høye, ifølge nye tall fra ledende forskningsmiljøer i USA.
Teaming up with Google
The NICFI Satellite Data Program and Google have joined forces to improve the monitoring of the world’s tropical forests.
Satellite imagery enables companies to act early on deforestation risks
A growing number of private sector actors are using high-resolution satellite imagery to deliver on their sustainability strategies. Among them, consumer goods supplier Unilever and agribusiness company AMAGGI.
Still not a user of the NICFI Satellite Data Program?
If you have not already signed up, please register at the NICFI Satellite Data Program website.
Financing forest-friendly cattle ranching in Colombia
The &Green Fund signs loan agreement with Colombian Hacienda San José to scale up their more sustainable business model for the cattle sector. Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) is a major contributor to the &Green fund.
Welcome to NICFI’s newsletter!
This first edition will take stock of the breakthroughs for tropical forests coming out of the UN climate summit in Glasgow, including some exciting announcements from NICFI and our partners.
Helping forest countries make sense of satellite data
Satellite data can be a key weapon in the fight against tropical deforestation, but demands high technical skills and powerful computer processing. Norway pays NOK 90 million in support of a UN project aimed at translating such data into actionable insights.
Peru reaching key milestones in rainforest protection
Peru has stepped up efforts to reduce deforestation in the Amazon through the major international forest and climate alliance with Germany, Norway, the UK, and the US. Important progress has been made on the expansion of protected areas and indigenous reserves and putting in place important policy and monitoring instruments. Norway announces a payment of USD 10 million to Peru as part of the existing climate and forest partnership for achieved policy milestones.