Category: News

Norge, USA, Storbritannia og verdensledende selskap inngår historisk regnskogsamarbeid

Under president Bidens klimamøte 22.-23. april 2021, lanserer Norge, USA, Storbritannia og en rekke internasjonale selskaper LEAF-koalisjonen (The LEAF Coalition). Dette er første gang selskaper og land går sammen om å sikre storskala finansiering til tropiske skogland som vil bevare sine skoger. – Banebrytende, sier USAs klimasjef John Kerry.

New public-private coalition launched to mobilize more than $1 BN to protect tropical forests and enhance global climate action

Today at the Leaders Summit on Climate a group of governments and companies announced the LEAF Coalition, an ambitious new public-private initiative designed to accelerate climate action by providing results-based finance to countries committed to protecting their tropical forests. This initiative aims to mobilize at least $1 billion in financing, kicking off what is expected to become one of the largest ever public-private efforts to help protect tropical forests, to the benefit of billions of people depending on them, and to support sustainable development.

Urfolksrettigheter styrket gjennom regnskogsavtale med Colombia

Norge, Tyskland og Storbritannia forsterker sin skog- og klimaavtale med Colombia, etter at landene forrige uke ble enige om detaljerte mål og forpliktelser. Avtalen skal måles opp mot en rekke milepæler som landene har fremforhandlet, og som skal støtte opp under målsettingen om å redusere avskogingen i Colombia

The AndGreen Fund invests in Marfrig Global Foods

The AndGreen Fund signs loan agreement with Marfrig, the world’s second largest beef producer, supporting the transition to a deforestation free cattle supply chain. The AndGreen fund is a blended finance facility set up to invest in sustainable commodity production. Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) has committed USD 100 million to the fund.

Norway will pay 530 million NOK for reduced deforestation in Indonesia

After 10 years of hard work, deforestation in Indonesia is going down. Emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia were lower in 2016-17 than in the preceding decade. In response, Norway will pay up to 530 million NOK (approx. $56 million) for the good results. This is the first time Norway pays for Indonesia’s results in emission reductions.

New satellite images to allow anyone, anywhere, to monitor tropical deforestation

On Wednesday 23 September 2020, Norway’s Ministry of Climate and Environment entered into a contract worth up to NOK 400 million (approx. USD 43 million) with Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) and its partners Airbus and Planet, to provide universal access to high-resolution satellite monitoring of the tropics in order to support efforts to stop the destruction of the world’s rainforests.

New NICFI website launched

Welcome to the new website for NICFI – Norway’s Climate and Forest Initiative. On these pages, you will find information about why rainforests are vital, what causes their destruction, and how we work with our partners to help save the world’s tropical forests while improving the livelihoods of those who live there.

Norway grants 10.3 Million EUR to ensure indigenous forest rights

News story | Date: 02/07/2019

The Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) has granted NOK 100 million (EUR 10.3 million) to help secure land rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in tropical forest areas. Reduced deforestation and sustainable land use can provide one third of the emissions reductions needed before 2030 to avoid dangerous global warming. –Securing land rights of indigenous peoples is the best way to avoid deforestation in tropical areas, says Ola Elvestuen, Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment.