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Photo: NICFIHelping forest countries make sense of satellite data
Peru reaching key milestones in rainforest protection
Photo: Juan Carlos Huayllapuma//CIFORNorge støtter Perus kamp mot avskoging
Photo: Juan Carlos Huayllapuma//CIFOREcuador’s continued reductions in deforestation attracts new climate finance from Norway
Photo: Norway's Ministry of Climate and the Environment.Costa Rica and Norway team up to kick-start forest carbon market
Photo: Costa Rica's National Forest Financing Fund.Breakthrough for rainforests at climate summit in Glasgow
Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.Gjennombrudd for regnskogen under klimatoppmøtet i Glasgow
Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.LEAF gets carbon market breakthrough
Photo: LEAFLandmark deal to protect DR Congo’s rainforests
Photo: Ahtziri Gonzalez/CIFORColombia får 300 millioner kroner for å trappe opp kampen mot avskoging
Photo: Photo: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Colombia)Colombia attracts over $ 30 million for stepping up fight against deforestation
Photo: Photo: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Colombia)LEAF Coalition strengthened ahead of Glasgow climate summit
Illustration: EmergentKlima- og skogpartnerskapet mellom Indonesia og Norge
Photo: Getty ImagesPress statement: The Indonesia-Norway climate and forest partnership
Photo: Getty ImagesNorway supports 39 new projects: Civil society plays a key role in the fight to save the rainforest
Photo: Snorre Tønset/NICFIGabon receives first payment for reducing CO2 emissions under historic CAFI agreement
Photo: Marte Lid / NoradMilepæl for regnskog i Afrika
Photo: Marte Lid / NoradPeru strengthens powerful partnership in its fight to preserve the Amazon rainforest
Photo: Getty Images/iStockphotoCall for Proposals
Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto